STSettings v2 was released on April 28, 2023 and all addons were updated to use it. This new version has seen many improvements over v1.
• Config tables are now created at startup instead of parsing strings live. This was measured to be over 30 times faster than previously.
• Config files are now found at garrysmod/data/sweptthrone_addons instead of garrysmod/data/throneco_addons.
• Old config files are automatically detected, migrated, and cleaned up.
• Value types are assumed based on what you set them to instead of needing to be converted every time they are used.
• Valid values for boolean types are: true, yes, on, t, y, false, no, off, f, n.
• You can now include various number separators in your numbers. Commas, underscores, and apostrophes are supported.
If you're just an average user of these addons, these changes should have minimal effect on you.
STSettings is a config file manager included with several of my addons. It handles the creation, interpretation, and applying of config files that allow users to tweak parts of the addon to their fit their needs.
Settings are accessed by ST_CONFIGS[ addonName ][ settingName ] and the result will be the assumed type. addonName is not the exact name of the addon, rather its “code name,” which are shown below.
For the average user, these settings files are located at garrysmod/data/sweptthrone_addons/<addonname>.txt where <addonname> is the code name mentioned above and shown below.
Addons are sorted alphabetically.
INFO: The ST_CONFIGS table only exists on the server. You'll need to network the values if you need them on the client.
number|boolean|string ST_CONFIGS.GrudgeDrugs.SettingName
CokeValue=250 - Value of selling one packet of cocaine.
MethValue=100 - Value of selling one jar of meth.
WeedValue=50 - Value of selling one tenth of weed.
number|boolean|string ST_CONFIGS.HuntHealth.SettingName
LargeBarSize=50 - Size of the first and large health bar.
SmallBarSize=25 - Size of a small health bar.
MaxHealth=150 - The maximum health that can be built from health bars.
number|boolean|string ST_CONFIGS.PaydayCookOff.SettingName
MethValue=3250 - Value of selling one bag of meth.
number|boolean|string ST_CONFIGS.STBakery.SettingName
IngredientCost=270 - Cost of ingredients to allow the oven to run.
BakeTimeMin=240 - Minimum time in seconds it will take to bake bread.
BakeTimeMax=360 - Maximum time in seconds it will take to bake bread.
BurnChance=10 - Whole number chance of a bake resulting in burnt toast.
number|boolean|string ST_CONFIGS.STBankRobbery.SettingName
VaultAddDelay=10 - Time in seconds between each time the vaults get money added to them.
VaultMax=250000 - The maximum amount of money a bank vault can hold.
VaultAddMin=35 - The minimum amount of money a bank vault can have added every VaultAddDelay.
VaultAddMax=55 - The maximum amount of money a bank vault can have added every VaultAddDelay.
MoneyBagMin=1000 - The minimum amount of money that can be stolen in a single money bag.
MoneyBagMax=2000 - The maximum amount of money that can be stolen in a single money bag.
UseTax=false - Whether DarkRP taxes should be added to the vaults instead of VaultAddMin/Max. DarkRP taxes must be enabled for this setting to work.
Distribute=false - Whether VaultAddMin/Max should be equally spread among all bank vaults. This is on regardless if UseTax is true.
number|boolean|string ST_CONFIGS.STBitMiners.SettingName
BitcoinValue=97500 - The value of one full Bitcoin.
BitMinerValue=0.0046399 - How much Bitcoin should be added to the BitMiner every BitMinerRate.
MiniMinerValue=0.0023199 - How much Bitcoin should be added to the MiniMiner every MiniMinerRate.
BitMinerRate=60 - Time in seconds between each time the BitMiner mines BitMinerValue Bitcoin.
MiniMinerRate=60 - Time in seconds between each time the MiniMiner mines MiniMinerValue Bitcoin.
number|boolean|string ST_CONFIGS.STBitMining2.SettingName
BitcoinValue=97500 - The value of one full Bitcoin.
ModelST1Value=0.0017 - How much Bitcoin should be added to the Model ST1 every ModelST1Delay.
ModelST1Delay=39 - Time in seconds between each time the Model ST1 mines ModelST1Value Bitcoin.
ModelST2Value=0.0019 - How much Bitcoin should be added to the Model ST2 every ModelST2Delay.
ModelST2Delay=36 - Time in seconds between each time the Model ST2 mines ModelST2Value Bitcoin.
ModelST3Value=0.0021 - How much Bitcoin should be added to the Model ST3 every ModelST3Delay.
ModelST3Delay=33 - Time in seconds between each time the Model ST3 mines ModelST3Value Bitcoin.
ModelST4Value=0.0023 - How much Bitcoin should be added to the Model ST4 every ModelST4Delay.
ModelST4Delay=30 - Time in seconds between each time the Model ST4 mines ModelST4Value Bitcoin.
ModelST5Value=0.0025 - How much Bitcoin should be added to the Model ST5 every ModelST5Delay.
ModelST5Delay=27 - Time in seconds between each time the Model ST5 mines ModelST5Value Bitcoin.
ModelST6Value=0.0027 - How much Bitcoin should be added to the Model ST6 every ModelST6Delay.
ModelST6Delay=24 - Time in seconds between each time the Model ST6 mines ModelST6Value Bitcoin.
number|boolean|string ST_CONFIGS.STBrewery.SettingName
BrewTime=60 - How many seconds it takes for the brewery to brew alcohol.
number|boolean|string ST_CONFIGS.STCasinoSuite.SettingName
CoinFlipCost=500 - How much one play of Coin Flip Sim costs.
DoubleOrNothingCost=100 - How much one play of Double or Nothing costs.
GasCashCost=250 - How much one play of Gas Cash costs.
JacksPotCost=175 - How much one play of Jack's Pot costs.
JPRibbonsPayout=450 - How much triple ribbons in Jack's Pot pays out.
JPCoinsPayout=750 - How much triple coins in Jack's Pot pays out.
JPCashPayoutEach=75 - How much each dollar stack in Jack's Pot pays out.
JPLightningsPayout=375 - How much triple lightning bolts in Jack's Pot pays out.
JPMusicsPayout=300 - How much triple music notes in Jack's Pot pays out.
JP8BallsPayout=1125 - How much triple 8-balls in Jack's Pot pays out.
JPStarsPayout=1500 - How much triple stars in Jack's Pot pays out.
JackPotAdd=175 - How much money is added to Jack's Pot's jackpot every play.
LoanMax=20000 - The most money a player can take out in a loan.
RagingRubiesCost=100 - How much one play of Raging Rubies costs.
RRHeartsPayout=600 - How much triple hearts in Raging Rubies pays out.
RRBellsPayout=1000 - How much triple bells in Raging Rubies pays out.
RRCashPayoutEach=100 - How much each dollar sign in Raging Rubies pays out.
RRDrivesPayout=500 - How much triple hard drives in Raging Rubies pays out.
RRClocksPayout=400 - How much triple clocks in Raging Rubies pays out.
RRCarsPayout=1500 - How much triple cars in Raging Rubies pays out.
RRColorsPayout=4000 - How much triple color wheels in Raging Rubies pays out.
RRRubiesPayout=2000 - How much triple rubies in Raging Rubies pays out.
WildCallCost=100 - How much one play of Wild Call costs.
WildCallSingle=1000 - How much guessing one number in Wild Call pays out.
WildCallDouble=10000 - How much guessing both numbers in Wild Call pays out.
LottoTicketPrice=100 - How much one lottery ticket costs.
number|boolean|string ST_CONFIGS.STChef.SettingName
CookPickupOnly=true - In DarkRP, whether a player's job needs cook = true in its fields to pick up ingredients and burgers.
number|boolean|string ST_CONFIGS.STCounterfeit.SettingName
StarterSkill=25 - How much skill each player starts with when they join for the first time.
MinMoneyAdd=20 - The minimum amount of money added to the printer every second.
MaxMoneyAdd=40 - The maximum amount of money added to the printer every second.
number|boolean|string ST_CONFIGS.STDope.SettingName
MorphineCost=480 - How much it costs to start making morphine.
HeroinCost=1200 - How much it costs to start making heroin.
MethCost=800 - How much it costs to start making meth.
LSDCost=540 - How much it costs to start making LSD.
AntidoteCost=480 - How much it costs to start making antidote. Either STFood Neu version is required to make antidote.
WeedCost=220 - How much it costs to start growing weed.
CocaineCost=680 - How much it costs to start growing cocaine.
ShroomsCost=220 - How much it costs to start growing shrooms.
Food_MelonCost=17 - How much it costs to start growing a melon. Either STFood Neu version is required to grow melons.
Food_BananaCost=20 - How much it costs to start growing a banana bunch. Either STFood Neu version is required to grow bananas.
Food_OrangeCost=12 - How much it costs to start growing an orange. Either STFood Neu version is required to grow oranges.
Food_GrapefruitCost=13 - How much it costs to start growing a grapefruit. Either STFood Neu version is required to grow grapefruits.
number|boolean|string ST_CONFIGS.STDrugs.SettingName
HeorinValue=50000 - How much money selling heroin gives.
MethValue=5000 - How much money selling meth gives.
AspirinValue=10000 - How much money selling aspirin gives.
AlcoholValue=1000 - How much money selling alcohol gives.
LSDValue=1000 - How much money selling LSD gives.
SludgeValue=50 - How much money selling sludge gives.
CocaineValue=35000 - How much money selling cocaine gives.
CigaretteValue=500 - How much money selling cigarettes gives.
WeedValue=2000 - How much money selling weed gives.
MushroomValue=3500 - How much money selling mushroom gives.
HeroinCookTimeMin=240 - The minimum time in seconds it takes to cook heorin.
HeroinCookTimeMax=360 - The maximum time in seconds it takes to cook heorin.
MethCookTimeMin=240 - The minimum time in seconds it takes to cook meth.
MethCookTimeMax=360 - The maximum time in seconds it takes to cook meth.
AspirinCookTimeMin=180 - The minimum time in seconds it takes to cook aspirin.
AspirinCookTimeMax=300 - The maximum time in seconds it takes to cook aspirin.
AlcoholCookTimeMin=150 - The minimum time in seconds it takes to cook alcohol.
AlcoholCookTimeMax=270 - The maximum time in seconds it takes to cook alcohol.
LSDCookTimeMin=240 - The minimum time in seconds it takes to cook LSD.
LSDCookTimeMax=360 - The maximum time in seconds it takes to cook LSD.
SludgeCookTimeMin=240 - The minimum time in seconds it takes to cook sludge.
SludgeCookTimeMax=360 - The maximum time in seconds it takes to cook sludge.
GrowStageTimeMin=20 - The minimum time in seconds one of seven plant growing stages takes.
GrowStageTimeMax=30 - The maximum time in seconds one of seven plant growing stages takes.
number|boolean|string ST_CONFIGS.STGraveRobbing.SettingName
LowGraveMinCash=100 - The minimum amount of money a low-tier grave can give.
LowGraveMaxCash=1000 - The maximum amount of money a low-tier grave can give.
MidGraveMinCash=200 - The minimum amount of money a mid-tier grave can give.
MidGraveMaxCash=2000 - The maximum amount of money a mid-tier grave can give.
HighGraveMinCash=300 - The minimum amount of money a high-tier grave can give.
HighGraveMaxCash=3000 - The maximum amount of money a high-tier grave can give.
SaintGraveMinCash=500 - The minimum amount of money a saint-tier grave can give.
SaintGraveMaxCash=5000 - The maximum amount of money a saint-tier grave can give.
LowGraveCashChance=6 - Whole number chance for a low-tier grave to give money.
MidGraveCashChance=10 - Whole number chance for a mid-tier grave to give money.
HighGraveCashChance=15 - Whole number chance for a high-tier grave to give money.
SaintGraveCashChance=20 - Whole number chance for a saint-tier grave to give money.
LowGraveCooldown=60 - Time in seconds between being able to rob low-tier graves.
MidGraveCooldown=90 - Time in seconds between being able to rob mid-tier graves.
HighGraveCooldown=150 - Time in seconds between being able to rob high-tier graves.
SaintGraveCooldown=300 - Time in seconds between being able to rob saint-tier graves.
number|boolean|string ST_CONFIGS.STFoodNeu.SettingName
PoisonPrice=120 - Cost of poisoning one piece of food.
number|boolean|string ST_CONFIGS.STFoodNeu_STRP.SettingName
PoisonPrice=120 - Cost of poisoning one piece of food.
number|boolean|string ST_CONFIGS.STMining.SettingName
PlatinumValue=29 - Money earned per platinum.
RhodiumValue=92 - Money earned per rhodium.
GoldValue=174 - Money earned per gold.
DiamondValue=900 - Money earned per diamond.
number|boolean|string ST_CONFIGS.STNarcotics.SettingName
SynthTImeMin=480 - Minimum time in seconds it will take to synthesize a drug.
SynthTImeMax=600 - Maximum time in seconds it will take to synthesize a drug.
LabSoundLevel=80 - Sound level of the Chemistry Lab's working sound.
number|boolean|string ST_CONFIGS.WickContrator.SettingName
AnonFee=500 - How much extra it costs to submit an anonymous contract.